The Pollens Calendars
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Data provided by monitoring centers of RIMA® has been used to produce pollen calendars.
There are three classes of concentration for every family: low in yellow, medium in orange and high in red. The values of the ranges of concentration classes may be different between families.
The report provides the pollen concentration levels, not the levels of allergy risk. The onset of symptoms occurs when the concentration of pollen to which the patient is allergic reaches a threshold value. Each patient has its own threshold value of sensitization, that may also vary during season. For example, the first occurrence of a certain pollen often will cause symptoms that later, with the progress of the season, there will be only with the higher concentrations. Information of the pollen concentration level, therefore, can in no way replace consultation with a specialist.
On the page dedicated to the pollen report, it is possible to consult the instruction and the concentration table.